Daniel Labonne – Tipti rencontre le Père Noël
BooksTIPTI gives a voice to Father Christmas and to the child of all ages, whatever his/her origin, wherever he/she may live. That may include the inner child that survives within each of us. The reader will recognise a young country emerging, aware of being deprived, yet believing in its own chances (Father Christmas) however dependent upon sugar cane exports. So? Hang on and have faith? Or leave by following the Father Christmas of others, elsewhere? Answer: attractive pictures, poetic storytelling and the TIPTI song on CD.Rs 250 -
Palmesh Cuttaree – Cavadee
PaintingsThe devotee carries a flowered arch with two small jars filled with milk to the temple where he will pour the milk on the statue of the divinity, symbolising light and wisdom, hoping to overcome all obstacles in his life while receiving Muruga’s blessings.Rs 5,000 -