Palmesh Cuttaree – Cavadee
PaintingsThe devotee carries a flowered arch with two small jars filled with milk to the temple where he will pour the milk on the statue of the divinity, symbolising light and wisdom, hoping to overcome all obstacles in his life while receiving Muruga’s blessings.Rs 5,000 -
Jean-Yves L’onflé – Sous L’Eau
PaintingsMedium Mixed media on canevas Materials used: sands, shells, corals, ropes, fish bone and tails and resine This painting represents the flore and fauna of our ecosystem from the sea. As I live in a coastal region and that Mauritius is surrounded by the sea, I have been inspired by the environment from marine life. Through this painting, I have shown the different colours of corals and living creatures.Rs 30,000 -